An article submitted by the lab to the
3rd International Conference on Mathematics and Computation in Music (MCM 2011) has just been accepted! It is entitled "Emergent formal structures of factor oracle-driven musical improvisations" and was co-authored by Isaac Schankler, Jordan Smith, Alexandre François, and Elaine Chew.
The article investigates the formal structure of several improvisations performed by Isaac interacting with Mimi: a number of formal analyses of these performances are presented, after which several typical structures (such as rondo- and canon-like structures) are observed. Finally, potential reasons for the emergence of these structures are discussed.
Structure analyses of Performance 1
Structure analyses of Performance 2
Structure analyses of Performance 3
The above annotations were created by the improviser (Schankler) and an experienced structure analyst (Smith).
The MCM 2011 conference takes place from June 15 to 18 in Paris, France at IRCAM.