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Thursday, August 19, 2010

08.19 - Geraint Wiggins

Geraint Wiggins, Professor of Computational Creativity in the Department of Computing in Goldsmiths, University of London, visits the MuCoaCo Lab at USC and gives a seminar on Computational Creativity through a Model of Music Cognition.

Friday, August 13, 2010

08.13 - Katie's Poster @ ISMIR in Utrecht

KatieAnna Wolf presents a poster on "Evaluation of Performance-to-Score MIDI Alignment of Piano Duets" (abstract pdf) in the late breaking / demo session at the 11th ISMIR in Utrecht, the Netherlands.

Katie was a 2010 CRA-W DREU (distributed research experiences for undergraduates) awardee—one of 70 selected from over 500 applicants—and a senior double majoring in Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of Minnesota.

She was at the MuCoaCo Lab over the summer to work on analyzing data from the DIP (distributed immersive performance) project.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

08.12 - Chinghua's Poster @ ISMIR in Utrecht

Ching-Hua Chuan presents a poster on "Quantifying the Benefits of Using an Interactive Decision Support Tool for Creating Musical Accompaniment in a Particular Style" (paper pdf) at the 11th ISMIR in Utrecht, the Netherlands.

Monday, August 9, 2010

08.09 - Anja Volk

Elaine Chew travels to the Netherlands for the ISMIR meeting this year, and meets up with Anja Volk and her family in Amsterdam, and spends a day at the North Sea, prior to the conference.